Saturday, 1 February 2014

[PHOTOS] B.A.P's Twitter Updates 2014/02/01

@BAP_Bangyongguk: Whatever you want to ask drop your mention at 11am on Feb. 3 (KST) I'll answer to you don't forget to add #BAP1004

@BAP_Himchan: 안녕하세요 저희가 컴백을 기념해서 트위터로 특별한 이벤트를 하려고합니다 2월3일 오전 11시부터 12시까지 1시간동안 Q&A 시간을 가져보려 합니다 많은 참여 부탁드려요 #BAP1004
"Hello we will celebrate our comeback on Twitter with a special event. on February 3rd from 11 AM til 12 for 1 hour will be a Q&A time. I request for your participation #BAP1004"

@BAP_Daehyun: 속보입니다!! 오는 3일 오전 11시에 1004 카운트다운이 시작됩니다! 여러분께서 멘션을 보내주시면 제가 직접 답멘션을 보낼거에요~^^ #BAP1004 붙이는거 잊지 마시구요~!!
"Breaking news! On this upcoming 3rd at 11 AM, 1004 countdown starts! Everyone send me mentions and I will personally send an answer~^^ Don't forget to attach #BAP1004~!!"

@BAP_Youngjae: 2월3일 오전 11시! 저희 B.A.P와 함께 1004 카운트다운을! 궁금하신것들을 멘션으로 질문해주세요! 기대할게요! #BAP1004 꼬옥 붙여주세요!
"February 3rd 11 AM! Together with B.A.P 1004 countdown! Mention us all the questions you have been curious about! I will anticipate it! Be sure to attach #BAP1004!"

@BAP_Jongup: 3일 오전 11시 1004 카운트다운 시작합니다. 대화합시다. #BAP1004 붙이는거 잊지 마시구여
"The 3rd 11 AM 1004 countdown begins. Let's have a conversation. Don't forget to attach #BAP1004"

@ZELO96: At 11am on Feb. 3 KST, let's start countdown for 1004. I myself will reply to your mention! Don't forget to add #BAP1004

Trans: @TSU_BAPtweets

[NOTE: I have included all the members tweets in the same post due to them all tweeting out over the same subject :) )

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