Saturday, 28 September 2013

[PHOTOS][TRANS] B.A.P Love Letters

[These are responses to some letters to B.A.P, they have been shared by TS fan manager. Any further letters will be shared once available!]

Fan's Letter

I can't read most of it but from what I can read she's telling them to stay healthy, that she's worried about B.A.P going to Japan because of all the natural disasters but since they have to go she will continue to cheer for them. She again tells them to take good care of themselves. Also ask if they know that she loves them always and will continue to cheer for them. She also tells them to take over the world. Lot's of crying faces in the beginning and ends with lots of hearts.

Daehyun's Letter 

To. Yeonjoo-yang~<3

Hello Yeonjoo-yang~!
I read through Yeonjoo-yang's letter^^
We, B.A.P won't ever be in pain because BABYs are cheering for us, so don't worry hehe
Because Yeonjoo-yang is worrying about us so much, we have more of a reason not to get hurt. Hehe
Don't worry so much because we'll be fine in Japan, so don't leave us because we're not there~!!
Yeonjoo-yang should also always look after herself, not catch a cold, and be healthy! The Best Invincible BABY!
We will continue to be hard working, the best absolutely perfect us so please give us a lot of love~!
Yeonjoo-yang who is always watching over B.A.P~! I love you

From. B.A.P Daehyun

Hello I am Jongup, who's doing B.A.P's vocal and dance.
First, thank you and I'll start! Honestly the reason why I'm giving you this letter! Your handwriting is very similar with Youngjae, so I felt familiar with your letter! Hehe I am so happy when you're cheering me, even I don't really react. So always cheer me like now! Thank you so much and fighting!! ByeBye Hi~ 
From. B.A.P Jongup

TO. You-hwa ^^
Hello~! I am B.A.P Youngjae!
Thank you for a letter even you was tired in morning^^!
Umm.. You will have a very tough time because of worry for your future and stress, but I think this time is the most precious time in throughout you're life. It'll be exacting now, but you'll have happy days after this. Fighting!!
(But sometimes have a time for yourself! Who knows well about you the most is yourself!)

-B.A.P Youngjae

The letter to B.A.P that Himchan responded to is about how she has a big test to get into college and she went to their live to get healed. She also tells them not to get overheated from the heat and that she'l comeback after her test.

Himchan's letter 

To 3rd year in highschool Sanha

You don't have much time before your test^^!
How was it, did you get healed? You're already stressed because of test so don't worry so much about us.
I'm sure you will do as well as you've prepared yourself. And don't be discouraged even if the results turn out worse then you wanted!
Since this test for college comes once in your life! It's just a feeling I get, but I think you'll have a great time this end of the year^^! Then, let's meet after you finish your exam. Have great success with your test, Fighting<3

-B.A.P Himchan-
The letter to B.A.P that Zelo responded to is about how B.A.P's music has gotten her to go after her dream and prove to herself that she is living! She convinced her parents to let her do what she wants. She had been walking the path her father set for her and when she first said she would go down the path she chose, her parents never really acknowledge it, but now they are slowly starting to. She also saya she will work hard and thanks B.A.P<3

Zelo's letter

To. Eunkyung-nuna

While looking through the messages our fans wrote, one by one; my eyes turned to one with beautiful and packed writing, so I read it!
If B.A.P and our music gave some kind of help while someone was going for their dream, if it helped them to go against their parents and take a step towards their dream, then I want to say that we should be the ones thankful for having that someone listening to our music and showing interest!
Please continue to give us more attention and support ~<3<3<3

Translation © (Sarah)


Tsfanmanager: [B.A.P] dingdong, B.A.P's loveletter has arrived! All the BABYs who sent love letters on August 3rd , FOCUS! The star of the secret love who received an answer from B.A.P is?

To. Minji-nim (-nim is a very formal way to refer to people) who live in Naksungdae
Thank you for always cheering for us! We will also take good care of our health so we hope Minji-nim who lives in Naksungdae will take good care of herself too! We hope you give lots of love to BADMAN too!
From. Yongguk who lives in Hannamdong
“Do your Best!”
It's really great to see you working so hard all the time! Best Best Man b (I'm not sure if the b is a thumbs up, referring to Bang Yongguk, or even a "b"...) Please* take care of each of your health! BADMAN will be a great success I'm in boundless anticipation!
-Minji who lives in Naksungdae-

Source: tsfanmanager 
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