Saturday 29 June 2013

[Single Review] B.A.P "Coffee Shop

Hot on the tails of their world tour, B.A.P is already back in action. Of course, they're not bringing us just one single like you might expect after the busy year they've had, or even two as they did with their "Rain Sound"/"One Shot" promotions. This time around, K-Pop's most active rookie group is bringing us three comeback songs at once!

Coffee Shop" is definitely the groups least ambitious song to date, but even with something this simple, they manage to squeeze in a few surprises. Laid-back and understated is a whole new style for the group- while they've done ballads before, this one strips away the heavy drama we usually get when B.A.P takes on melancholy songs. The rap sections are short and simple, Daehyun's not wailing on any high notes, and Himchan, Jongup and (most surprisingly) Zelo have all taken on on the most extensive singing parts we've ever seen from any of them.

Understated works for B.A.P in this case, showing us that they can be plenty impressive without having to be in-your-face-alien-warriors all the time. It's a good thing too! With a three-song comeback, these guys definitely need to pace themselves. Don't doubt for a minute that they're done with the tough-guy image- we can probably expect at least one of their next singles to bring back their aggressive style- but for now, "Coffee Shop" is a nice break from the usual.

Source: AllKpop

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