Wednesday, 13 February 2013

[NEWS][TWITTER] B.A.P’s Himchan apologizes to his fans for his injury

Himchan apologized to his fans for his untimely injury.

As reported earlier, the B.A.P member suffered from a hand injury, where he slipped and broke two of his fingers. Many BABYs had been worried about Himchan, as he was absent from Jongup's birthday celebration and his graduation. The news upset many fans, and Himchan spoke up about his injury via his Twitter earlier today.
He wrote,

You said that no news was good news, and I’m so sorry to give you bad news. I heard and saw everything that our babies were saying. I’m sincerely sorry that I couldn’t say anything earlier. I thought about how to put less of a burden on you and my members so it took a bit of time. You understand, right?

I worked so hard on this album, so it was hard for me to accept the reality that just came up. I thought about a lot of things, and I’m okay now because I’ve organized my thoughts. It’s in the past now, so I just want to think about the future.

Let’s only think about happy things that will happen from now on and make them happen. We only have happy things in our future.

Lastly, I’m so sorry to our BABYs and I love you. My members, I’m sorry and I’m thankful and I love you. I’m really thankful there are so many people who worry about me.

Thank you, everyone. I’m going to work hard to heal fast. I’m so thankful for the existence of B.A.P and BABY.

We wish Himchan a speedy recovery!

Source: Himchan’s Twitter
Tip: babymatoki
[Article Source: AllKpop]

Himchan's original Tweet:
무소식이 희소식이라 말하는 너희들에게 좋지않은 소식을 전하려니 너무 미안하다. 그동안 우리 아가들이 하는 얘기들 다 듣고, 보고 있었어.
좀더 일찍 말하지못한거에 대해 진심으로 미안해.어떻게 언제 전하는 것이 너희들과 우리 멤버들을 덜 힘들게 할지 고민하느라 시간이 좀 걸렸어. 이해해줄 거지?
너무 열심히 준비해온 앨범이라 갑자기 닥친 현실을 받아들이기가 쉽지 않았어. 그동안 많은 생각을 했고 지금은 좀 마음을 추스리면서 괜찮아졌어. 지난 일이니까 이제는 앞으로만 생각하려구.
우리 모두 행복할 일만 상상하고 만들어가자. 앞으론 행복해하는 일만 남았다.

마지막으로 BABY들에게 정말 미안하고 사랑해. 우리 멤버들 미안하고 고맙고 또 사랑한다. 날 걱정해주는 사람이 이렇게 많다는 것에 굉장히 감사하고 있어.
고마워요 다들. 나도 빨리나으려고 노력할게요. B.A.P와 BABY란 존재가 너무 고맙다.

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